Tag: How To Write A Collaborative Novel

  • 2013 – The collaborative writers’ year

      Well, 2013 has been a big old year in our collaborative writing journey and we’re writing this blog just to remind ourselves of all that’s happened in the past twelve months. You can read it too, if you like.       January       We finally finish writing our How To book…

  • What are you bringing to the party?

    An extract from “How To Write A Collaborative Novel” by Heide Goody and Iain Grant – published by Pigeon Park Press in 2013 Have you ever been at a party or other social situation and spoken to a married couple who seem bizarrely mismatched? The kind of marriage that seems horribly one-sided? Have you, once…

  • Getting to know your co-writer

    An excerpt from ‘How To Write A Collaborative Novel’ by Heide Goody and Iain Grant, to be published by Pigeon Park Press in 2013. You’ve found someone who has the time, inclination and ability to collaborate with you. It’s celebration time! Mission accomplished. What’s stopping you from starting right away? Well, just stop and think…

  • Are you collaborating with the right person?

    An excerpt from ‘How To Write A Collaborative Novel’ by Heide Goody and Iain Grant If you’ve found a candidate for your collaborative endeavour, what aspects should you examine before you leap into a project? Think about who they are and what they do. Get some understanding of these, and then compare with who you…

  • Finding a writing partner

    You need to find someone who not only wants to write, but wants to write collaboratively with you. If you’re planning to split the writing in an even way, then they should be matched with you in terms of ability, experience, and perhaps some other ways that we’ll explore later. By the way, for the…

  • 6 reasons why you should NOT write collaboratively

    An extract from Heide and Iain’s forthcoming book, “How To Write A Collaborative Novel” Good reasons why I wouldn’t like to collaborate: I can’t commit the time Give this some careful thought, dear reader. Being a writer involves a commitment of time. How much time you commit to writing depends upon what kind of writer…

  • 6 good reasons and 3 bad reasons to write collaboratively

    (an extract from the forthcoming book, “How To Write A Collaborative Novel” by Heide Goody and Iain Grant) There are lots of reasons to collaborate. Indeed, to remangle a frequently mangled Shakespearean quote, some people are born to collaborate, some achieve collaboration and others have collaboration thrust upon them. Of the reasons that people give…